Deliver exceptional customer experiences at scale.
Tenfold provides automations and insights that supercharge productivity and create seamless customer experiences.

Provide best-in-class experiences for agents and customers.

Accomplish more with automations
Increase your contact center’s productivity without hiring additional agents. Our automations streamline workflows, so agents can handle communications faster and spend less time on follow-up work.
Boost agent morale and reduce turnover
Give your agents the tools and information they need to do their best work, making them feel valued and supported. Eliminate time-zapping tasks like manual call logging and data entry.
Gain actionable insights
Guide your teams to success with greater visibility into their performance. Tenfold provides in-app analytics that show you KPIs for your entire call center.
Tenfold customer experience key features.
Unified customer profile
Tenfold instantly identifies inbound callers and gathers their records for your agents. Access their entire account file and case history with a single click in one interface. Agents can use Tenfold within your CRM, in a Chrome window, or in our floating desktop app.
Workflow compression automations
Streamline agent workflows with Tenfold’s robust library of automations. Customize workflows based on your team’s needs. Flexible directory structures and other built-in shortcuts simplify the agent experience.
Automatic call logging
Reduce clicks and keep agents focused on providing quality service. Tenfold automatically logs customer communications and agent notes directly into your CRM.
Natural language processing
Provide agents with suggested terms and key actions to create seamless experiences. Tenfold supports Einstein Call Coaching integration to analyze call history and customer language during each interaction.

Top companies trust Tenfold to elevate their customer experiences.